Concert Cabinet Works

About Concert Cabinet Works

Concert Cabinet Works is a family owned business that has been in existence for many years but has recently escalated and intensified its efforts. We strive to make products of the highest quality and usability. Everything we make is a labor of love and we want you to get the highest value possible – it’s definitely not just about the money. The proprietor is a 30 year toolmaker and cnc programmer experienced in care and precision. This carries over to everything we do.

Right now we are offering FuzzSpace™ fuzz pedals, T Style and S Style guitar bodies and P Style bass bodies. New for 2022 is the Veecaster™ – a V Style guitar body for a Strat® neck.  Complete guitars and basses will be offered in the near future.  We are also open to doing custom guitar work and modifications.

Everything we make is manufactured in Saint Charles Illinois USA. You can buy directly from Concert Cabinet Works or from

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